Course Outline

Introduction to Generative AI

  • What is generative AI and why is it important?
  • Main types and techniques of generative AI
  • Key challenges and limitations of generative AI

Transformer Architecture and LLMs

  • What is a transformer and how does it work?
  • Main components and features of a transformer
  • Using transformers to build LLMs

Scaling Laws and Optimization

  • What are scaling laws and why are they important for LLMs?
  • How do scaling laws relate to the model size, data size, compute budget, and inference requirements?
  • How can scaling laws help optimize the performance and efficiency of LLMs?

Training and Fine-Tuning LLMs

  • Main steps and challenges of training LLMs from scratch
  • Benefits and drawbacks of fine-tuning LLMs for specific tasks
  • Best practices and tools for training and fine-tuning LLMs

Deploying and Using LLMs

  • Main considerations and challenges of deploying LLMs in production
  • Common use cases and applications of LLMs in various domains and industries
  • Integrating LLMs with other AI systems and platforms

Ethics and Future of Generative AI

  • Ethical and social implications of generative AI and LLMs
  • Potential risks and harms of generative AI and LLMs, such as bias, misinformation, and manipulation
  • Responsible and beneficial use of generative AI and LLMs

Summary and Next Steps


  • An understanding of machine learning concepts, such as supervised and unsupervised learning, loss functions, and data splitting
  • Experience with Python programming and data manipulation
  • Basic knowledge of neural networks and natural language processing


  • Developers
  • Machine learning enthusiasts
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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