Course Outline

The basics and the advanced patterns of JavaScript (2 days)

  • Literals and constructors
  • Functions
  • Object Creation Patterns
  • Code reuse Patterns
  • DOM and Browser Patterns

The client side JavaScript is addressed with both plain JavaScript and JQuery  (2 days)

  • Interaction with the DOM (Document Object Model) & CSS
  • Interaction with the BOM (Browser Object Model)
  • Handling of events
  • Forms

Server Side JavaScript (NodeJS) is introduced and depended (2 days)

  • Design Fundamentals
  • Module system
  • Flow Control Patterns
  • Coding with Streaming
  • Design Patterns
  • Wiring Modules
  • Recipes and Scalability Architectural Patterns
  • Data Serialization and Streams
  • Network Paradigms
  • ExpressJS

AngularJS (2 days)

  • Directives and Controllers
  • Filters
  • Routing
  • Services & Forms
  • Testing your code
  • Server communication


As the progress and flow of the training covers both basics and advanced aspects for JavaScript, JQuery, NodeJS, AngularJS it is not required for attendees to have a specific level of experience, but they must be familiar with some kind of web development and web concepts.

 56 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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