Course Outline


Overview of the Most Popular NoSQL Databases

  • MongoDB (document), Cassandra (columnar), Redis (key-value), Neo4J (graph)

Overview of MongoDB Features and Architecture

  • Mapping between a relational database and MongoDB
  • Indexing, replication, load balancing, ad hoc querying, etc.

MongoDB vs MySQL

Installing and Configuring MongoDB

Creating a Database

Reading, Writing and Querying MongoDB

Application Development with MongoDB

Security in MongoDB

Availability in MongoDB

Integrating relational and NoSQL (non-relational) data storage

Integrating MongoDB with Data Processing Frameworks

  • Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Spark, etc.

When to use MongoDB

  • Ideal workloads for NoSQL in an enterprise

When not to use MongoDB

  • Disadvantages of NoSQL

Deploying MongoDB to Production

  • On-premise or public cloud

Scaling MongoDB

Troubleshooting MongoDB

Closing Remarks


  • Columnar (tabular) vs document database

Overview of Cassandra Features and Architecture

Installing and Configuring Cassandra

Creating a Database

Reading, Writing and Querying Cassandra

Application Development with Cassandra

Security in Cassandra

Availability in Cassandra

Integrating relational and NoSQL (non-relational) data storage

Integrating Cassandra with Data Processing Frameworks

  • Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Spark, etc.

When to use Cassandra

Deploying Cassandra to Production

  • On-premise and public cloud

Scaling Cassandra

Troubleshooting Cassandra

Closing Remarks


  • An understanding of relational database concepts
  • No programming experience is necessary
 28 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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