Course Outline


  • Microservice architecture, PaaS, and cloud-native design

Overview of Spring Cloud Sub-Projects

  • Config Server & Bus, Eureka, Ribbon, Feign, and Hystrix

Overview of Spring Boot

Setting up Your Development Environment

Creating a Spring Boot Application

Centralized, Versioned Configuration Management with Spring Cloud Config

Dynamic Configuration Updates with Spring Cloud Bus

Service Discovery with Eureka

Load Balancing with Ribbon

Applying Circuit Breakers with Hystrix

Declarative REST Clients with Feign

Working with API Gateway

Securing Your Microservices

Tracing Microservices to Uncover Latencies


Summary and Conclusion


  • Java development experience.
  • Experience with Spring Framework.


  • Java developers wishing to rapidly build and deploy microservices
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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