HI, Honolulu - Waterfront

7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 400, Honolulu, united states, 96813
onolulu business center is located at 7 Waterfront Plaza in the commercial district of Kakako. It sits in the midst of the W...

HI, Kapolei - Waterfront

7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 400,, Honolulu, united states, 96813
Waterfront Plaza is located along the vibrant Ala Moana Boulevard corridor linking Waikiki, Honolulu's Central Business Distr...

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Explore Our Courses

Applied AI from Scratch in Python

28 Hours

Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python

21 Hours

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Overview

7 Hours

OpenNN: Implementing Neural Networks

14 Hours

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Automotive

14 Hours

From Zero to AI

35 Hours

Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Thinking

21 Hours

Applied AI from Scratch

28 Hours

Applied Machine Learning

14 Hours

Deep Learning Neural Networks with Chainer

14 Hours

Pattern Recognition

21 Hours

Introduction Deep Learning & Réseaux de neurones pour l’ingénieur

21 Hours

Matlab for Deep Learning

14 Hours

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Mechatronics

21 Hours

Introduction to the Use of Neural Networks

7 Hours

Neural Networks Fundamentals using TensorFlow as Example

28 Hours

Neural computing – Data science

14 Hours


21 Hours

Recommender Systems with Python

14 Hours

Neural Network in R

14 Hours

TPU Programming: Building Neural Network Applications on Tensor Processing Units

7 Hours

Understanding Deep Neural Networks

35 Hours

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